Natural Link Building

Natural Link Building

Having links on other websites that lead back to your own website are known as backlinks. Backlinks offer a website owner two main advantages. The first is the obvious as people looking for information on your products are able to access your site with ease from multiple websites. The second is not so evident immediately, but the more links you have on different websites leading back to your own, the higher you are likely to rank in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This means that you need to actively keep building links for both, the final customer to use as well as for a higher ranking in the search engines.

The volume of links is no longer as important as the quality since search engines adjusted their algorithms to ignore websites offering low quality content. Without making good quality links by using highly regarded websites for your backlinks, all your hard work in Search Engine Optimization through link building is going to pay little dividends. The rules change constantly and Google has hit more than one business website with its regularly tweaked algorithm. You can no longer use automated software to make directory submissions and expect a great traffic response from them. At Adiante we ensure that the links that are formed are seen as high quality, natural links by the Search Engine and get counted towards raising your website’s ranking.

Anchor texts, Dofollow & Nofollow, Long Tail & Short Tail

Natural links are those that the search engine believes have come about as a natural consequence of the content on a website and not due to a major marketing effort. This is often difficult to pull off. The word or phrase that you insert your link in on the website is known as Anchor Text. It needs to be relevant to the website niche and must include possible variations that are used by people to hunt for information in your niche online. These variations need to be experimented with to see what people in real time are actually typing in search engines to find websites in your niche. One needs to ensure that the anchor text has enough variations to make the links attractive to potential visitors and appear natural to the search engines.

Our team of professionals at Adiante strive to give such long and short tailed keywords to use as anchor text that allow you to have multiple links while appearing natural. Not only that, our professionals will ensure that you get a larger proportion of do-follow links that actually count towards increasing the ranking in search engines as opposed to nofollow links. Should you be interested in availing these natural link building practices that allow your website to have back links on great quality websites, do not hesitate to contact us. All the advantages of natural link building are waiting for your website, allow it to live up to its true potential.

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